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The Topla Blog

Inspirons les jeunes filles à embrasser les maths et la technologie

Let's inspire young girls to embrace math and technology

Inspirons les jeunes filles à embrasser les maths et la technologie

Let's inspire young girls to embrace math and technology

In France and French-speaking Belgium, women, although they are now more numerous on university benches and often surpass their male counterparts in terms of qualifications, continue to face marke...

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Comment réussir en maths ? - rencontre avec Thomas Rodrigues (coach scolaire et CEO de Porte à prof)

How to succeed in maths? - meeting with Thomas Rodrigues (school coach and CEO of Porte à prof)

Thomas Rodrigues is an engineer in the space industry. He has always been passionate about teaching. While giving private lessons, alongside his activity, he realized that there were some students ...

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Maths : 3 questions à un expert, Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf (enseignant-chercheur en maths)

Maths: 3 questions for an expert, Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf (maths teacher-researcher)

Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf is a teacher-researcher in mathematics at Sorbonne University, does research and popularizes math on the CNRS website – Images des mathématiques. Today, he answers 3 of our...

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Géométrie et anglais - Les activités gratuites de Topla pendant le confinement (7)

Geometry and English - Topla's free activities during confinement (7)

Confinement: activity 7 Create your character with shapes and in English! Do you know Top Detective ? It's a game where you have to guess your opponent's character. What's special about this...

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