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The Topla Blog

La classe flexible, on s’y met maintenant ? - Entretien avec Delphine Thibaut, maîtresse d’école.

Flexible classroom, are we getting started now? - Interview with Delphine Thibaut, school teacher.

La classe flexible, on s’y met maintenant ? - Entretien avec Delphine Thibaut, maîtresse d’école.

Flexible classroom, are we getting started now? - Interview with Delphine Thibaut, school teacher.

Delphine Thibaut has been teaching as a primary school teacher for 11 years. In recent years, she has been using the flexible classroom method with her CM1 and CM2 classes, a method that is widespr...

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Comment réussir en maths ? - rencontre avec Thomas Rodrigues (coach scolaire et CEO de Porte à prof)

How to succeed in maths? - meeting with Thomas Rodrigues (school coach and CEO of Porte à prof)

Thomas Rodrigues is an engineer in the space industry. He has always been passionate about teaching. While giving private lessons, alongside his activity, he realized that there were some students ...

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Apprendre l'anglais à tous les âges ! - entretien avec Marie-Anne Gosse (Les Petits Bilingues)

Learn English at all ages! - interview with Marie-Anne Gosse (Les Petits Bilingues)

Today we know that mastering languages, and English in particular, is essential. What is less obvious is when to start, how to progress or get back on track when the English course has left us beh...

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La souriante Séverine Feiss qui répond à nos questions sur la rentrée scolaire en maternelle

Prepare for your return to school with Séverine Feiss! - for children, parents and kindergarten teachers

Séverine Feiss worked as a kindergarten teacher from 1999 to 2020. She is now a parenting coach and has her own podcast Les Petits Plus Zen . Today, we are lucky that she gives us very concrete adv...

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Rencontre avec Claire Vimont, créatrice des jeux Sexploration
Éducation à la sexualité

Meeting with Claire Vimont, creator of the Sexploration games

It is with her energetic personality and a lot of commitment that Claire Vimont tackled the subject of sex education. This graphic designer from Nantes is behind the Sexploration games, real best-...

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Rencontre avec Jean-Noël Duchemin, artiste "pêcheur de tons" et illustrateur du jeu Math'moi ça

Meeting with Jean-Noël Duchemin, "tone fisherman" artist and illustrator of the game Math'moi ça

Jean-Noël Duchemin is an artist-navigator who likes to define himself as a "fisherman of tones". His artistic universe, colorful and vibrant, merges wonderfully with Math'moi ça , our new card game...

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