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The CSR Blog

Agir maintenant face au burn-out avec Adrien Chignard, psychologue du travail.

Take action now against burnout with Adrien Chignard, occupational psychologist.

Agir maintenant face au burn-out avec Adrien Chignard, psychologue du travail.

Take action now against burnout with Adrien Chignard, occupational psychologist.

Adrien Chignard is a work and organizational psychologist. IPRP-accredited, he works in companies to prevent psychosocial risks and promote quality of life at work in situations of change. Founder ...

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Économie et biodiversité, un mariage pour le meilleur ! - Entretien avec Sophie Ménard, cheffe de la Mission Économie de la Biodiversité chez CDC Biodiversité.

Economy and biodiversity, a marriage for the best! - Interview with Sophie Ménard, head of the Biodiversity Economy Mission at CDC Biodiversité.

After starting her career as a researcher in environmental economics, Sophie Ménard wanted to move towards a more action-oriented position! In 2019, she decided to join the CDC Biodiversité teams w...

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Comment faire du numérique plus responsable ? - Entretien avec Frédérick Marchand (CEO de Digital4Better)

How to make digital more responsible? - Interview with Frédérick Marchand (CEO of Digital4Better)

Frédérick Marchand is a true ambassador for responsible digital technology. This is a field he knows well, since he has been working in the digital transformation of companies for 23 years. In 20...

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La RSE et l'inclusion en action ! - Entretien avec Bruno Renard (CEA de Grenoble)

CSR and inclusion in action! - Interview with Bruno Renard (CEA Grenoble)

Bruno Renard is definitely a man of action. As CSR Coordinator at the CEA (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission) in Grenoble, he energetically leads all CSR projects there. Over the ye...

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Réussir sa politique de Qualité de vie au Travail - avec Hortense Noiret (consultante QVT)

Succeeding in your Quality of Life at Work policy - with Hortense Noiret (QVT consultant)

Hortense Noiret is a lawyer by training. After practicing for 3 years, she joined France Télévisions as a labor law lawyer. She has devoted the last 10 years to her passion, Quality of Life at Wor...

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Comment aborder la diversité en entreprise ? - Entretien avec Bacely Yorobi (ConnectX)

How to approach diversity in business? - Interview with Bacely Yorobi (ConnectX)

A digital entrepreneur and a specialist in diversity and inclusion, Bacely Yorobi also has a strong appetite for philosophy and spirituality. Although he worked in Silicon Valley (USA), at the head...

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Un hymne à la vie et à notre planète - Rencontre avec l'artiste et navigateur Jean-Noël Duchemin

A hymn to life and our planet - Meeting with the artist and navigator Jean-Noël Duchemin

Jean-Noël Duchemin is a French artist with a unique and vibrant universe, who created the magnificent illustrations for ourMath'moi ça game. He is passionate about sailing and the marine world, whi...

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