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The CSR Blog

Cultiver la joie et le bonheur : Rencontre avec Sophie Cliff, Praticienne en psychologie positive

Cultivating Joy and Happiness: Meeting with Sophie Cliff, Positive Psychology Practitioner

Cultiver la joie et le bonheur : Rencontre avec Sophie Cliff, Praticienne en psychologie positive
bien-être mental

Cultivating Joy and Happiness: Meeting with Sophie Cliff, Positive Psychology Practitioner

When was the last time you felt genuine happiness? This seemingly simple question has significant depth to understanding the essence of our existence. In our fast-paced and hectic lives, where a m...

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Renforcer l'enseignement climatique et l’activisme avec Noga Levy-Rapoport

Strengthening Climate Education and Activism with Noga Levy-Rapoport

It’s hardly surprising to see a steady growth in the number of activists among Generation Z, a generation often ridiculed or stereotyped for its heavy use of social media and technology. However, i...

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Agir contre la précarité menstruelle et le le tabou des règles avec Terri Harris de Bloody Good Period
Éducation à la sexualité

Taking Action Against Period Poverty and the Period Taboo with Terri Harris of Bloody Good Period

In the UK, almost a third of girls, women and people who menstruate* face financial difficulties in affording regular menstrual products, highlighting a pressing issue known as period poverty. Th...

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Mêler innovation et inclusivité à chaque couture : une conversation avec Victoria Jenkins, fondatrice de la marque pionnière de mode adaptée, Unhidden

Blending innovation and inclusivity into every seam: A conversation with Victoria Jenkins, founder of pioneering adaptive fashion brand, Unhidden

In a world where it’s easier to find clothing collections for dogs than for the 20% of the world’s population with disabilities, Victoria Jenkins is leading a transformative movement. As the vision...

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Éthique et gouvernance - avec Viviane Neiter, consultante en administration de sociétés.

Ethics and governance - with Viviane Neiter, corporate administration consultant.

Ethics and governance: these two subjects have dominated Viviane Neiter's career. Marked by the Enron affair in 2001, she decided to create her own governance firm and joined several boards of dire...

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Comment favoriser la transmission de savoir-faire et le lien intergénérationnel entre employés dans l’entreprise - Entretien avec Jérôme Permingeat, directeur général de la marque bretonne Le Minor.

How to promote the transmission of know-how and intergenerational links between employees in the company - Interview with Jérôme Permingeat, general manager of the Breton brand Le Minor.

Jérôme Permingeat is one of those people who have entrepreneurship in their blood. After finishing his master's degree focused on taking over struggling companies and creating new businesses, Jérôm...

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Trouver la place de l’invisible - avec Angela Stienne, historienne des musées et fondatrice du Lyme Museum.

Finding the Place of the Invisible - with Angela Stienne, museum historian and founder of the Lyme Museum.

Angela Stienne is a writer, museum historian and researcher in ethics and communication in museums. Her specialty is the study of the representation of bodies in museums and in particular human rem...

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Une synergie gagnante pour les entreprises de demain : inclure les collaborateurs dans l’amélioration du fonctionnement de l’entreprise et de l’expérience client.  Avec Claire Bonniol, co-fondatrice et directrice générale de CXB HUB.

A winning synergy for tomorrow's businesses: including employees in improving the company's operations and customer experience. With Claire Bonniol, co-founder and CEO of CXB HUB.

At the beginning of her professional life, Claire Bonniol worked for the European Social Fund on topics of social innovation, human resources innovation and training. Driven by a multicultural and ...

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L’égalité femme-homme : le point avec Ariane Bénard, présidente de l’association BNP Paribas MixCity

Gender equality: an update with Ariane Bénard, president of the BNP Paribas MixCity association

Ariane Bénard is a woman passionate about the subject of gender equality. After a career in communications and marketing at BNP Paribas, Ariane joined the Engagement department, then human resource...

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Vers une communication plus inclusive - Entretien avec Sophie Roosen, responsable RSE à l’Union des marques.

Towards more inclusive communication - Interview with Sophie Roosen, CSR manager at Union des marques.

Armed with 12 years of experience as a marketing manager for a brand committed to natural and organic cosmetics, Sophie has developed in-depth knowledge on the subject of sustainable development, a...

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