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The CSR Blog

L'art au service de l'activisme avec l’historienne de l’art Jess Bailey

Art for Activism with Art Historian Jess Bailey

L'art au service de l'activisme avec l’historienne de l’art Jess Bailey

Art for Activism with Art Historian Jess Bailey

At a time when societal and environmental challenges seem more pressing than ever, art is emerging as a vital force in the quest for solutions and justice. Far beyond its aesthetic function, contem...

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Promouvoir un mode de vie durable : Une discussion avec Georgina Wilson-Powell, experte en écologie

Promoting sustainable living: A discussion with ecology expert Georgina Wilson-Powell

In today’s global landscape, sustainable living* has become more than just a buzzword – it’s a crucial aspect of consumer awareness. With 81% of consumers expressing a strong desire to see busines...

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Changer les perceptions : L'engagement d'Izzy Wheels pour l'inclusion et l'expression personnelle à travers le design des fauteuils roulants

Changing Perceptions: Izzy Wheels' Commitment to Inclusion and Self-Expression Through Wheelchair Design

With over 30 million wheelchairs in circulation worldwide, highlighting their critical importance as essential means of mobility for people with disabilities is essential. Over the past decades, wh...

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Préserver la santé mentale et le bien-être au travail : une conversation avec Nina Elegba de Recess Living
bien-être mental

Maintaining mental health and wellbeing at work: a conversation with Nina Elegba of Recess Living

Work-related stress and mental health problems are costing UK businesses up to £45 billion a year, according to a 2020 Deloitte report. This staggering sum highlights the urgent need for effective ...

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Vers une mode plus durable : Une conversation avec l'écrivaine Aja Barber

Towards More Sustainable Fashion: A Conversation with Writer Aja Barber

The fashion industry, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), ranks second in the world in terms of water consumption and accounts for approximately 10% of global CO2 emissio...

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Parce que le milieu artistique doit être plus inclusif : un entretien avec Gemma Harvey, coordinatrice handicap et accessibilité

Because the arts community needs to be more inclusive: an interview with Gemma Harvey, disability and accessibility coordinator

In the entertainment industry , artists with disabilities often face unique challenges, such as inaccessible casting processes and a lack of authentic representation. However, the industry is well-...

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Affirmer fermement son refus : Un échange avec Natalie Lue sur la notion de relations saines 

Standing Firm in Your Refusal: A Conversation with Natalie Lue on Healthy Relationships

Are you one of those people who often say “yes” to everything, out of a desire to please others and not disappoint them? Have you ever thought about the long-term consequences of this practice? Acc...

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Intéressons-nous aux pratiques numériques de nos enfants plutôt que de les diaboliser : Rencontre avec Thomas Rohmer de l'OPEN

Let's take an interest in our children's digital practices rather than demonizing them: Meeting with Thomas Rohmer of OPEN

What parent is not torn between fear of the effects of screens on their children and naivety, even laxity, regarding digital practices within the family? The Observatory of Parenting & Digit...

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Révolutionner l'éducation sexuelle : Rencontre avec Anna Alexander, Co-fondatrice de Split Banana
bien-être mental

Revolutionizing Sex Education: Meet Anna Alexander, Co-Founder of Split Banana

Did you know that positive sex education could help create better citizens? In 2022, a study conducted by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affa...

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Adopter un modèle d'économie circulaire pour révolutionner la gestion des déchets : Une interview avec May Al-Karooni, fondatrice de Globechain
crise climatique

Adopting a circular economy model to revolutionize waste management: An interview with May Al-Karooni, founder of Globechain

For many years, environmentalists have been sounding the alarm about poor waste management. Waste is a major global problem, affecting everything from water to packaging. Not only does waste pollut...

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