The Topla Blog

President or presidentess?
A few days ago, the White House saw a new president take office in the United States. With Nancy Pelosi at the head of the House of Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becoming the ...
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Resisters in the spotlight on May 8 - Topla's free activities during confinement (13)
Today, May 8 , is the commemoration of the armistice , marking the end of the Second World War. To celebrate this historic event, highlight these resistant women who fought for their freedom. Luci...
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Time's up for professions · Memory variant - Topla's free activities during confinement (12)
After the Who Is It profession, here is a new variation to use the Memory cards: the Time's up profession! Played in teams of 2 or more! To play it, you need: - your Memory of professions - ...
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Who is it in the professions · Memory Variant - Topla's free activities during confinement (11)
You already know the Jobs Memo! But with this long weekend of confinement ahead of us, Topla and I thought it would be nice to find even more rules to have fun for longer . This week we offer you a...
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Practice Symmetry - Topla's Free Activities During Lockdown (10)
What is symmetry? Symmetry is the correspondence between 2 figures with respect to an axis (= a vertical, horizontal, diagonal line etc). Symmetry means that there is the same inverted drawing o...
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Learn English with the Memo of Emotions - Topla's free activities during confinement (9)
Emotions , we all feel them , whether we are boys, girls, children, adults, French, German, Nigerian, or from any country! So, to start, why not practice saying them in English ? With the cards ...
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A casserole at home - Topla's free activities during confinement (8)
Confinement: activity 8 Create your own casserole at home! Topla offers many origami , they are an opportunity to learn shapes and divisions . Today, we offer you a small photo tutorial to m...
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Geometry and English - Topla's free activities during confinement (7)
Confinement: activity 7 Create your character with shapes and in English! Do you know Top Detective ? It's a game where you have to guess your opponent's character. What's special about this...
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Draw me... - Topla's free activities during confinement (6)
Confinement: activity 6 Guess/draw The French government has created a research committee to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. The person appointed to head it is already the head of Sidaction...
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Sacred Charlemagne - Topla's free activities during confinement (5)
Confinement: activity 5 Sacred Charlemagne Charlemagne was the king of the Franks. On March 23, 789, he made school free and compulsory for all children! With today's...
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